Consultancy Services for carrying out Technical Audit for Package 1 Contract of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) infrastructure, World Bank Funded (IDA: CREDIT # (REGULAR) 5957 -TZAND (SUF) 5958-TZ): Contract No. TRD/HQ/1019/2017/18)

Project Name

Consultancy Services for carrying out Technical Audit for Package 1 Contract of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) infrastructure, World Bank Funded (IDA: CREDIT # (REGULAR) 5957 -TZAND (SUF) 5958-TZ): Contract No. TRD/HQ/1019/2017/18)

Technical Details


Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS)


December 2017 – May 2018: Technical Audit


The main objective of the technical audit is to allow an independent team to form a professional opinion on the compliance of works carried out under the Package 1 Contract with the technical specifications and standards described in the Contract documents. The technical audit will be a part of the due diligence activities for the Government and IDA. Specifically, to do the following:

  1. Provide a simplified and quantified description of the audited works;
  2. Verify and evaluate the conformity of the works and their costs with the underlying principles as described in the Contract document;
  3. Assess the quality of the works and their conformance with the specifications indicated in the bidding documents and works contract, and whether the contract terms were respected by the parties; and
  4. Assess the nature of disputes brought up by the Contractor to the DB and provide independent opinion regarding the decisions made

The Main features of Package 1 Contract included the followings:

  • Construction of mixed traffic lanes and BRT lanes: 20.9km namely Kivukoni – Kimara (16.8km), Magomeni – Morocco (3.4km) and Fire – Kariakoo (1.7km);
  • Construction of three pedestrian bridges at Kimara, Ubungo and Morocco;
  • Construction of twenty-seven (27) bus stations;
  • Construction of three (3) bus terminals; and
  • Widening of Msimbazi Bridge and two (2) box culverts at Jangwani flood plain.sign,


Ilala, Kinondoni and Ubungo Districts in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.


KAPSEL (Tanzania)