Preparatory Works
- Mobilization
- Visiting the sites and discussions with management of Clients
Data Collection & Analysis
- Gathering the existing information and Data
- Review the previous studies relevant to the project and identification of any additional data required in order to complete the detailed design
- Assessment of existing situation
- Population and Wastewater projections
- Field Survey Topographic Survey for the sewage network and facilities
Preliminary Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Study and Preliminary Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)
- Environmental Scoping
- Description of the Proposed Road Improvements
- Study Area
- Baseline Condition/Description of the Environment
- Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework
- stakeholder consultations and public involvement
- Analysis of Alternatives to the Proposed Road and Road Alignment
- Impact Identification and Assessment
- Impact Mitigation Measures
- Environmental and Social Management Plan
- Environmental Monitoring Plan
- Resettlement Requirements and Planning
- Assistance to Inter-Agency Coordination and Public/NGO Participation
- Gender Issues
- Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)
Economic and Financial Evaluation
- Survey of National Socio-Economic Profile
- Transport System of the Country
- Socio-Economic Profile of the Region and Project Area of Influence
- Traffic Survey and Analysis
- Economic Analysis and Costs
Outputs and Reports